Google Featured Snippets /
Google Answer Boxes

The way to rank #0 on Google with SEO!

So-called "featured snippets" have been available on Google for some time now. These are search results that are displayed above the organic SERPs in a separate area, highlighted before the AdWords adverts and search results. Featured snippets are answers to the search query for which a definition is possible or which explain the search query in a few sentences. Google is continuously working on expanding featured snippets so that users often do not even have to call up a page with their search intention, but can already find their answer with "Position-0". Featured snippets are selected and displayed independently with the help of algorithms using the existing content of a website.

Google's aim is for featured snippets to offer an improved user experience for the respective search queries. In this way, the search intention is satisfied directly and immediately, without the need to click on any of the individual search hits.

Why should a homepage be optimised for featured snippets?

Why a website should be optimised for featured snippets is very easy to answer. The so-called position 0 guarantees the greatest attention. As studies show, 50% click on position 0, whereas only 33% click on position 1, which is usually represented by the paid AdWords adverts. This means that they attract significantly more attention than the regular organic search results.

On the one hand, this leads to an increase in the CTR (click-through rate) and, at the same time, to more organic traffic. At the same time, the brand is perceived more strongly and the branding is positively influenced.

Featured snippets also serve as the basis for voice search. Voice search is also becoming increasingly popular and a website that has not been optimised for featured snippets is, so to speak, invisible. They therefore have an essential relevance for the new and certainly not the last innovative innovations from Google. For example, according to a study by the US digital agency Roast, Google Home uses featured snippets for around 80% of its search intent answers and reads them aloud.

What are the requirements for a featured snippet?

In order to meet the expectations for the featured snippets, the website should be optimised both technically and in terms of content. Not to forget the responsive design, the optimisation for mobile devices.
The following content is used by Google as answers for featured snippets:

  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Text paragraphs
  • Videos

It is very important for Google that these possible answers to the search intentions are easy for the search engine to read and are not hidden on the web pages.

The page/brand must also have a certain authority so that the featured snippet is also displayed in position 0.

Continuous SEO optimisation (search engine optimisation) is the basis and also a necessity for improving the authority of the website/brand.

Increase brand authority through featured snippets with die marketingarchitekten

Do featured snippets lead to a loss of traffic on the website or do they offer new opportunities?

If you have managed to secure a valuable placement for a featured snippet on Google, you will often notice an increase in the CTR (click-through rate).

There will certainly be search intentions where users have no further interest in engaging with the topic and thus the search intention, but especially with more complex topics, these often lead to users wanting to engage more intensively with content and other topics.

Featured snippets therefore not only offer an opportunity for more organic visitors to the website, but also lead to a significant increase in the authority of the brand.

Conclusion on the topic of featured snippets

Google system with an algorithm that is constantly learning. Innovations that were unthinkable years ago are now implemented content on every mobile device.

SEO optimisation (search engine optimisation) is therefore a continuous process that requires constant changes and innovations for website operators.

As insignificant as these changes may seem, they are important for increasing the authority of the website.

Our team at marketingarchitekten will be happy to answer any further questions you may have and support you with the expansion or conversion of your website.